How to Enable and Manage the Offset Limit Setting

Organizations that use Goodleap Lease/PPA financing can set a limit on the offset of a solar installation. This means that if the offset of a solar design is above the set limit, the proposal cannot be financed with Goodleap Lease/PPA, resulting in an error message. Follow the steps below to enable and adjust this setting.

Step 1: From the main menu, open your profile and select “Settings”.

Step 2: Go to the Incentives/Financing section and click the edit button located across from “Action”.

Step 3: Toggle “Enable Offset Limit” on and set the offset limit value in the field below. Then click “Update” to save.

Note: If the offset of a solar installation is above the maximum offset limit value, an error message will appear when attempting to finance the proposal as shown in the image below. 

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