How to Set Up Design Approval

When designing with SubcontractorHub design tools, sales reps can choose which data sources are used. Setting up the Design Approval feature ensures that based on the data source used, some designs will require approval before the proposal can be financed. 

In the AI-Assisted design tool, sales reps can switch between several modes: Default, Nearmap + NREL (Assisted Design) and Nearmap + NREL (Manual Design). Enabling the Design Approval setting ensures that if a sales rep switches to any other design mode that is not Default, the design must be reviewed before the proposal can be financed. 

In the manual design tool, sales reps can choose between Google Solar and NREL data sources. Enabling the Design Approval setting ensures that if a sales rep chooses the NREL data source, the design must be reviewed before the proposal can be financed. 

Follow the steps below to set up this feature.

Step 1: From the main menu, click your organization’s profile and select “Settings”. 

Step 2: Navigate to “Design Tool Settings” and click the "Edit" icon. 

Step 3: In the “Design Approval Email Notifications” field, enter the email address of the user who will approve the design.

Step 4: Click “Update” to save your changes.

Step 5: From the main menu, open the “Users & Roles” dropdown and select “User Profiles”.

Step 6: Locate the user profile that you want to give permission to use design approval, and click the “View Detail” icon.

Step 7: Select “Design Approval Request” from the list of permissions.

Step 8: Toggle permissions to allow the user profile to view the list of design approval requests, view design approval requests and edit requests.

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