How to Enable AI-Assisted Request Design Additional Settings

After selecting Request Design as the default AI-Assisted design flow, users will see two additional settings- “Show AI Assisted Design Questions” and “Add Main Panel and Electrical Documents”. These settings allow users to gather critical design-related information during customer interactions. The “Show AI Assisted Design Questions” setting allows admins to set up questions that the sales rep can answer when selecting a designer, eliminating communication gaps and streamlining the design process. The “Add Main Panel and Electrical Documents” setting enables sales representatives to add main panel and electrical documents before submitting a design request. 

Step 1: Click on the Hamburger Menu located next to your profile name.

Step 2: Select “Settings” from the dropdown menu.

Step 3: In the Settings menu, navigate to “Design Tool Settings”.

Step 4: Click on the edit icon. 

Step 5: Locate the toggle for “Show AI-Assisted Design Questions”. Turn the toggle on to enable this feature. Once enabled, the sales representative can add AI-assisted design questions directly from the database.

Step 6: Next, turn the toggle on to enable adding the main panel and electrical documents.

Step 7: Click "Update" to save your changes.

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