How to Enable and Manage Dynamic Columns for Projects?

Users can now easily customize the order and visibility of table columns to suit your workflow preferences.

Step 1: Click on your organization’s profile in the top right corner and select “Settings”.

Step 2: Scroll down to find “Application Settings”.

Step 3: Click on the “Edit” button in the far right corner and click on the “Select Table” option next to the Manage Table Column to find the drop-down menu.

Step 4: Select “Projects” from the drop-down menu and click ”Update”.

Step 5: Navigate back to the home page and click on “Projects” from the main menu on the left.

Step 6: You can now find a “Settings” button next to the “List View” option in the top right corner of the project page. 

Note: The settings button will only be visible to admins.

Step 7: Click the ”Settings” button and select “Manage Columns”.

Step 8: A list of all available Project fields shown on the project page will be showcased to you.

Step 9: You can drag and drop the fields to arrange the project columns in your preferred order.

Step 10: You can also select or deselect the columns to display on the projects list page.

Step 11: After updating your preferred column order, click on “Save”.

Step 12: Your preferred columns will now be displayed according to the preferences and order set in the Manage Columns settings.

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