How to add a new Document Template?
Step 1: Locate “Database” on the main menu.
Step 2: Navigate to “Documents”.
Step 3: Select “Document Templates”. Click “Add” on the top right corner.
Step 4: Select the document type.
Note: For proposals based in California, sales reps can now add a CPCU template to the database. CPCU guides can be added to document templates, and are added based on the utility.
Step 5: Add the name, Template ID, and State and fill up the necessary fields on the page.
Note: You can select multiple states for a single document template.
Step 6: Scroll down and select your Finance Type.
Step 7: Click “Save” to save your document template.
Note: When you select the document type as “IC/InterConnection”, you will need to fill out the details of the utility and set the system size condition for the document template.