How to Add a New Document Template?
Step 1: Locate “Database” on the main menu.
Step 2: Navigate to “Documents”.
Step 3: Select “Document Templates”. Click “Add” on the top right corner.
Step 4: Select the document type.
Note: Admins can now add a CPUC template to the database for proposals based in California. CPUC guides can be added to document templates, and are added based on the utility. You can assign multiple utilities to a single CPUC template.
Step 5: Add the name, Template ID, and State and fill up the necessary fields on the page.
Note: You can select multiple states for a single document template.
Step 6: Scroll down and select your Finance Type.
Step 7: Click “Save” to save your document template.
Note: When you select the document type as “IC/InterConnection”, you will need to fill out the details of the utility and set the system size condition for the document template.
Note: You can select multiple job types for a template from the “Job Types” dropdown.
Note: New document template types have been added: Panel Form, Inverter Form, Adder Form and Roof Type Form.
Note: When you select the document type as “HIC”, you can select a battery type from the “Battery Types” dropdown.