How to Set Market Adjusters?
Market Adjusters in SubcontractorHub is a new feature that assists Sales organizations in managing their redline pricing directly in the database. This feature is particularly useful for sales representatives to maintain their commission on each proposal. Users can set market adjusters in the database for each state. The difference between the redline price from the EPC organization and the market adjustor price from the Sales organization determines whether a discount or an adder can be applied to the proposal.
Step 1: Navigate to the Database from the main menu
Step 2: Select “Solar Sytems”.
Step 3: Select “Market Adjusters”
Step 4: Select the state for which you want to set the market adjuster
Step 5: Click on the “Edit button” to set your value
Step 6: The proposal's discount or adder depends on the difference between the redline price set by the EPC organization and the market adjuster price determined by the Sales organization. A negative value in the market adjuster will provide a discount to the customer while a positive value will allow the user to add an adder in the proposal.