Lookup for Job Stages

The Lookup feature offers a significant advantage by enabling users to access data from the database as dropdown options conveniently. This simplifies the selection process and eliminates the need for manual creation of options by the admin in the database section.

Step 1: Click on the “Database” tab on the left-hand side.

Step 2: Locate and click on the “Stages” tab on the left-hand side.

Step 3: Click on “Job Stages” and select which job type to change stages for.

Step 4: Click on the edit icon (pen-shaped button) next to the job stage

Step 5: Navigate to the "Job Stage Inputs" section and select the input where you wish to include a Lookup dropdown option. Click the “Edit” button next to the input.

Step 6: You can now review the details of the input. Scroll down to the "Type" option

Step 7: Select the “Dropdown” option 

Step 8: Once you've selected the dropdown option under the "Type" section, you'll notice a checkbox located just below the field labeled "Is Lookup." Simply click on this checkbox to enable the Lookup functionality for your dropdown menu.

Step 9: Scroll below to find the Look Up Entity option.

Step 10: Select your Look Up Entity

Step 11: Scroll up and click “Save”.

Use Case Scenario

Step 12: Navigate to your project and select the specific job stage for which you have recently updated the Lookup option.

Step 13: You can review all the inputs associated with the selected job stage.

Step 14: Select the "Edit" button located next to the input that has been designated as a Lookup dropdown in the selected type.

Step 15: You now have access to all options within the database associated with the selected Lookup Entity, facilitating your selection process.

The Lookup Drop-down enables access to all panels, inverters, racking manufacturers, and battery choices within the database. You can create Lookup dropdowns for various stages accordingly.

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