How to Manage Referred Users

Step 1: Locate “Referred Users” on the Main Menu.

Step 2: You will be showcased the list of referred users. Click on the “View Details” button.

Step 3: You can find the details of the referred user by clicking the view details button.

In the scenario where an energy advisor is involved, once a referral is submitted and successfully transitions into a project stage, the user is rewarded with 200 points. Following the completion of installation, a further 400 points are awarded. However, in cases where no energy advisor is involved, the points awarded are calculated using a formula: the system size is multiplied by 1000 and then by 0.15, resulting in the total points earned (1000 x System Size x 0.15).

It's important to note that individual conversion points won't be displayed; instead, the total referral point count will be visible.

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