How to Use AND/OR Filters with Reports
Follow the steps below to add AND/OR filters to reports.
Step 1: Locate and click on the “Reports” tab on the left-hand side.
Step 2: Click on the report you would like to add filters to.
Step 3: Click “Edit”.
Step 4: Click “Filter”.
Step 5: Inside the filter portion of the report, click “Add Filter” to begin adding in fields.
Step 6: Click on the drop-down to choose an Operator.
Step 7: Enter the value(s) you would like to assign to the filter.
Step 8: Click "Apply".
Step 9: As you add in fields, you will see logic built above the fields. To edit this logic, click on the little pencil icon.
Step 10: Once you open the filter logic, you can change the structure to keep all of them as AND filters or add in OR filters.
Step 11: Once you outline your correct logic, click "Apply".
REMINDER: Make sure to add the correct number of parentheses or the logic will not save.